Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The 3 Types of Economic Systems

The 3 Types of Economic Systems – Centrally planned economy – Mixed economy – Market economyCentrally planned economySystem in which a nation’s resources are owned by the government. Came from the ideology that the welfare of the group is more important than individual well being, the idea came from Karl Marx. The decline of Centrally planned economies was in the 1980’s nations began to dismantle communist central planning in favor of market based economy. Mixed economyEconomic system in which resources are more equally divide between private and government ownership. It came from the idea that a successful system must be not only efficient and innovative but should also protect society. Most economies around the world are mixed economies but most mixed economies are trying to convert more of a market economy. This is called â€Å"Privatization† or â€Å"Privatizing†. Market EconomyThe majority of nations resources are privately owned. Economic decisions are determined by supply and demand. Based on the belief that individual concerns should be placed above group concerns. The best features are free choice, free enterprise and price flexibility. The governments role is enforcing antitrust laws, preserving property rights, providing a stable fiscal and monetary environment and preserving political stability. Personally I would prefer to live in a mixed economy. I say this because it is the best kind of economic system in my eyes.A mixed economy lies between a free market economy and a centrally planned economy. A mixed economy combines elements from free market and centrally planned to create a more favorable economy. Most nations operate mixed economies with varying combinations of capitalist and socialist features. Some benefits of a mixed economy are free enterprise, private ownership, a â€Å"safety net† and the ability for the government to step in if needed. This is very appealing because the benefits are unmatched from the other two main economic systems.  I like the idea of private ownership and the government being able to step in during times of need, these two examples are the main reasons I prefer to live in a mixed economy.

Hw assignment revised Essay

Culture includes everything about a particular group’s way of life; from high art to the most ordinary behavior (what we eat for breakfast, for example). It is defined as the manner of life for a whole society and the sum of socially transmitted behavioral patterns and can be classified into values, norms, institutions and artifacts. The set of distinctive features of a society or a social group, which includes emotional, spiritual and intellectual, can be called as culture. It encompasses the community’s ways of existing together, its value systems, customs and ideals. Everything we do, from our food to our behavior can be considered as culture. From the essay, â€Å"From Culture to Hegemony, culture is defined as the norm of life. Barthes who used the model of linguist de Saussure, sought to uncover the latent meanings of the norms. He tried it from boxing to little things. Transmission of culture is done through language, material objects, customs, institutions, and art, passed from one generation to another generation. Usually, this transmission remains intact and â€Å"pure†; however, when foreign influences set in either through cultural diffusion and/or assimilation, naturally, the native culture will have become irreparably modified. In â€Å"From a Native Daughter†, Haunaini-Kay Trask, bemoans the rape of her native lands culture. How the haole invaded their land and proceeded to change their history. For her historians like the missionaries from whom she had her education, were a part of then colonizing horde, one part colonized the spirit and the other the mind. She believed that any outsider were to understand them, one should first know their language, their songs, their chants, their customs, and their bond with the ‘aina (the land). She said, â€Å"This bond is cultural, it can only be understood culturally†¦Ã¢â‚¬  IDEOLOGY: Ideology includes the underlying ideas that shape culture. These ideas are often what we take for granted, i. e. they are unconscious. For example, the idea that success is gained through going to college and getting a high paying job seems so obvious as to be truth. However, it is part of an ideology. A trick in identifying ideologies is to look for undefined terms in a statement. What does â€Å"success† mean and where did that meaning come from? Ideology is the organized collection of underlying ideas that shape the culture. Being unconscious, they are often taken for granted. They are abstract thoughts applied to reality and every society has an ideology on which they base their actions on. From Marx’s Ideology as quoted in Subculture: the meaning of Style by Dick Hebdidge, ideology is defined as a set of common beliefs that lie beneath the awareness commonly known as â€Å"common sense†. This common sense, although transparently, validates ideas. These taken for granted phenomena can function as signs, which in turn, will reflect the reality of the culture and can be analyzed through mapping them on a range of potential meanings. Power and class are parameters which extends and vary ideology thus making it achievable to have different levels of divided labor. Our education system is the one who is responsible in instilling the ideology into the individuals of the society. In other words, the ideologies are maps of probable meanings which serve to have persons think their way into positions of power or subordination. HEGEMONY: A form of power usually built on ideologies. Instead of bullying (i. e. using coercion) to get your way, it’s easier and more sustainable to make your victim believe that your way is the right way. For example, car makers don’t have to force us to buy new cars at gunpoint; it’s easier to make us think that getting a new car every couple of years is simply what one does. The underlying ideology might be that newness equals human progress. Hegemony is the subtle almost undetected authority of one individual over another and/or one group of people over another group. This dominance however doesn’t use threats or force. Naturally, the dominant party in our society has their advantages. For example, a dominant party can dictate the terms of trade to its advantage. Moreover, our cultural perspectives became in favor of the dominant group. It controls the way ideas are discarded or neutralized. It happens in a process where hegemony alters our notions of common sense of a given society. According to the Gramsci, hegemony is the association of social groups exerting total social authority through coercion, imposition of thought or shaping consent. Familiar examples of this include the selling of cars where you coerce your buyers to buy because it is only right that you get yourself a car and thinking that it is simply what one does after a few years of using an old car. It may also because of the ideology that’s behind it is that a new car means an improvement in your lifestyle. Hall is also quoted in Subculture: the meaning of style, in the chapter, From Culture to Hegemony, Hall (1977) was cited saying, â€Å"hegemony refers to the situation in which a provisional alliance of a certain social group exerts total social authority over other subordinate groups not only through coercion or by the direct imposition of ruling ideas but by winning and shaping consent so that the power of the dominating class appears to be legitimate and natural†¦ â€Å" DEFAMILIARIZATION: Lastly, defamiliarization, also called â€Å"ostanenie† is a method of forcing the audience to see common things in an unfamiliar way. It is done in order to improve the insight of the familiar. Religion is a tried and tested way of bringing order to a world of chaotic events. In the article, World View and the Analysis of Sacred Symbols, from the Antioch Review by Clifford Geertz wherein he describes how religion is composed of sets of symbols that are in turn composed of meanings that can only be stored in the symbols. He says that a people’s ethos is the way they dress or their movements and the way they talk. In general it is the quality of their lives while the world view is the cognitive aspect reflects how the people view the natural order of things as they are found in their world. All of these things are in some way or another affected by the religion of the people. Geertz considers the wajang as the clearest illustration of the relationship between the metaphysical (i. e. religion, belief etc†¦) and the people of Java’s actual values. The wajang is the ritual shadow play using puppets that usually lasts all night and well into the early morning. The gamelan is the director musician and storyteller all in one. The most famous characters in the wajang are the Pendawas and the Korawas, and their endless wars. The Pendawas represent the five senses that must always work together to come up with just and good decisions. They represent calm detachment from the everyday events of life which is the way these myths are interpreted and translated into the actual culture that is in the peoples of Java. The Korawas on the other hand represent passion and indiscretion. They are the representative icons that depict the capacity of religion not only to set the standards of ideal living but also delineate the workings of evil and destruction. Just like the Navajo looks at everything that is good and productive as in the form of a circle and thus evokes the circle in everything they do, so does the Javanese in their quest to detach themselves from the passions of everyday life to transcend into inner serenity and peace. Their world views affect their ethos and in turn dictate how they view their reality and consequently how they react to it. The concept of defamiliarization as defined above is also effectively illustrated in the article by George Orwell, Shooting an Elephant. In this article he tells the readers how he had to kill the elephant not because he had to do it to save the people, or because it is truly a danger, in spite of it having killed a â€Å"coolie†, he says that he killed the animal to save himself from looking like a fool it is expected of him to not be afraid, to be consistent (and thus consistent in his initial impulse to kill the elephant). His nationality and the empire he represents have created such a concept that as a member of the empire he is expected to conform to. Thus his actions no matter how mundane and ordinary they are will not have correspondingly simple interpretations at least as far as the natives are concerned.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Indian Cultural Ethics Values and Business Management

YUDHISHTIR AND DURYODHAN| Indian Cultural Ethics Values And Business Management | | 10/30/2012| Submitted by:-Au As we all are living in the 21ST century which in which their are plethora of all the men made gadgets to provide immense pleasure which some where increasing the endless desire of a mankind and in search of completing or fulfilling those desire with a fast pace men are turning materialistic, egoistic, stubborn, felineness and also diverging from the way of ethics and value which are thought by our parents and teachers also by the religious epics.We can also say that these endless desires giving birth to Duryodhana in each of us The epics, the Ramayana and t he Mahabharata contains many morals, from which we can learn how to live and conduct ourselves in various situations. The epic are meant for the laymen, people who are serious about their religious duties and salvation, but not able to make it the most important thing in their lives and pursue it steadfastly.Since they are in narrative form, their messages, morals and lessons are easy to understand and remember for the last several centuries, both the epics served people well by inculcating in them a deep sense of reverence, devotion, commitment to the path of righteousness and belief and interest in the live beyond.Usually this the first stage that ultimately leads to a more instance spiritual aspiration, culminating in one’s salvation by drawing a clear distinction between the good and evil , the right and the wrong, the appropriate and in appropriate, and by personifying these concepts in moral percepts clearly into appealing characters and personalities, these epics help men develop inside into our religion and cultivate budhi or discriminating intelligence , which would otherwise required years of dedicated study and religious practice.Truly speaking the epics are illustrative of the divine knowledge contend in the smriti text such as the Vedas and the Upanishads , in the language and idiom familiar to the masses . The eldest of the pandava brothers was dharma raja, who was known for his sense of justice and fair play , but with a weakness for gambling. He was clear in his conscience and soft in his heart and action, which was often misunderstood by his rivals and his weakness. The eldest of the kaurava brothers was duryodhana, known for his physical power, pride, arrogance, envy, greed, and lust for power.He personified unbridled ambition, aggression, egoism and complete disrespect for tradition in seniority in his own family. Both were cousins, but certain events in their lives made them become arch enemies. According to the laws of inheritance as prescribed in our dhramshashtra, dharamraj was supposed to be become the rural of the kuru Kingdome. But duryodhana was intent upon becoming the rural by whatever means. For him end justified the means. So he enticed his cousins to play a game of dice with him and used deceptive means to snatch the kingdom from him.B y falling in the trap laid out for him, dharamraj not only lost his kingdom, his self respect and his wife , but also head to force his brothers and himself into an ignominious exile for 12 long years as a part of his irresponsible wager. Finally after returning from the long exile, when they requested duryodhana to return their kingdom, they were flatly refused. In a desperate move, they requested him to at least grant them five villages. so arrogant and drunk with power duryodhana was that he close all doors of negotiation by telling them point blank that he would not grant them even that much land where they could pin a needle.With that it became clear to the pandavas that the only way they could settle the dispute was through a war. It was what exactly duryodhana wanted. His anger and jealousy towards his cousins was so intense that he wanted destroy all of them through a deadly war and settled the issue of succession once and for all. Lord Krishna who was related to both sides through many alliances, tried to reconcile both side. But when a person was drunk with power and blinded by egoism and ignorance, how could anyone put sense in to his mind?Duryodhana was not only stubborn, but dangerously destructive and egoistic. The sensible advice of his elders and lord Krishna fell upon his deaf ears. Once it clear to both side that their differences could be resolved only through a prolonged and destructive war they began making preparations for it. Emissaries and messengers were dispatched by both parties in all direction to muster support. It was a war in which almost every rural of the Indian sub-continent was destined to take part.It was also a war on whose outcome the effectiveness of dharma upon earth depended. Everything was at stake, our religion, tradition, family values and the very future of the land of the bharata. Hence the title, the great war of India or Mahabharata yuddham. Those who were sympathetic to the cause of the pandavas and came forward to lend their support and participate in their war on their side was actually less in number because it was a time during which evil was on the rise and dharma or righteousness was on the wane.Many rural agreed to support duroydhana either because they were impressed by him personally, for evil attracts evil or because they were afraid of incurring his wrath by refusing to support him. Some warriors supported him, though with great reluctance, because they were duty bound to their king who at that time was duryodhana. As a result of these developments, compared to dharamraja, duryodhana was succeeded in securing the support of great majority of the acclaimed warriors of his time. It seemed as if the fate of the war was already sealed and duryodhana was about to win.It was at this crucial juncture that duryodhana made one major blunder which cost him dearly in the end. What change the course of the war and its ultimate outcome was the participation of lord Krishna in it. At that tim e lord Krishna was the ruler of a powerful kingdom, with a formidable army of yadus who under his leadership, got the acclaimed as fearless and unstoppable warriors. He had no particular enmity with the kaurvas, although he was well aware of their evil nature and their unbiridled political ambition. Just as they approached other rulers, both sides decided to secure the support of Lord Krishna.So both Dharmaraja and duryodhana rushed to the city of dwarka to meet lord Krishna and present him with their respective proposals. Lord Krishna, knowing the nature of both, offered them a rather difficult choice. He told them they could either choose his moral and personal support or his material support in the form of his well trained army. They could choose only one of the two, but not oth. It was a clever ploy in which he put to test the buddhi (discriminating intelligence) of both his relations. True to his nature, duryodhana chose the army.Being ignorant and egoistic, who believed in his own prowess rather than that of god, he believed that lord Krishna’s power and stature stemmed from the yadu warriors and that they were more powerful than him. Wicked as he was in his thoughts and intentions, he thought that having them on his side would be a clever strategy in his plans for further aggression. By fighting against each other, the yadus and the pandavas would self destruct each other, resulting in the weakening of the political sway of lord Krishna and his yadu clan.Thus once the issue with the pandavas was settled, he could deal with lord Krishna appropriately from a point of strength rather than weakness. Dharmaraja on the other hand chose lord Krishna himself. He believed that lord Krishna was greater than all the armies put together and having him on their side would tilt the balance of power significantly. He had greater faith in the intelligence and wisdom of lord Krishna than the might of his army. Being spiritual in nature, he believed in the unlimit ed potentialities of spiritual power rather than in the limited capabilities of physical power.Besides, he knew lord Krishna was not an ordinary person. He saw him personally helping draupadi, after he lost his gamble, when the kauravas dragged her into the court in a show of strength and try to disrobe her in front of all people. Being a wise person himself, he was able to discern clearly the divinity in the person of lord Krishna. In doing so, dhrmarja changed the very character of war from a family war to a war between the good and the evil forces, with god actively participating on the side of the good.Most of us know what happened afterwards. The pandavas were greatly benefited by the presence of lord Krishna amidst them. The entire army of the kauravas consisting of millions of soldiers and legendary warriors was wiped out in the battle field and duryodhana himelf met with an ignonimous death. Lord Krishna stayed with the pandavas throughout the war and proved indispensable. H e gave them valuable advice and guidance on every challenging occasion and helped them deal with many formidable opponents like bhishma, karna, dronacharya,asvatthamaand so on.He personally served as the charioteer of arjuna and boosted his marole in the battlefield with his divine discourse (bhagavadgita), when the later lost his heart and refused to fight with his own kinsmen on the grounds of moral dilemma. Without him, arjuna would have probably lost either the battle or his nerve or both. The moral of the story is in whatever we do we should always seek the help and guidance of god and make him a partner in all our endeavours. It does not matter whether we are rich or poor or weak or powerful.What is important is whether we have god on our side or not. Of what use all power and riches in the world, if god is not with us and god is not part of our effort? Duryodhana had everything he wanted. But he lacked faith. He ignored the support of the god. He thought he had the necessary power and resources to deal with his enemies. He thought unwisely that he could do everything by himself. He did not care to stand against god in the battle field and fight with him. He believed in himself and that he was the master of his own fate. He would win, if necessary by fighting against god.He would take the help of god in securing the assets and the resources, but would not personally want him on his side. Such attitude and thinking proved his undoing. There is an important lesson in all this, which is very relevant today and which we can learn to save ourselves from the consequences of our selfish actions. If you look carefully you will see that in the present day world there are more duryodhanas amidst us than dharma rajas. We have people among us who would go to any length and resort to any means to achieve success and popularity in their lives.It does not matter to them whether god is with them or against them. They don’t care whether they are righteous or other wise. They have scant respect for relationships, family, tradition and moral values. What matters to them is material success in the form of money, power and wealth. They feed upon their own pride and revel in their own glory. They may use the name and power of god, but only with a selfish intent and for a selfish purpose, without ever acknowledging it. If necessary they don’t mind to defy him or his law to achieve their goals.Seeing but themselves and living or acting for themselves, they live under the illusion that their personal efforts are responsible for their achievements and they are masters of their own fate. Their obsession with power, name and fame is so strong that they make take credit for the work done by others, but rarely come forward to appreciate others. In a similar vein, they show no gratitude for the silent support rendered by god. This is unfortunate because in doing so they are exposing themselves to the consequences of thir own actions (kama) and also alienating themselves from their own inner divinity.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discusses the Dream act in Texas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Discusses the Dream act in Texas - Essay Example It is fundamentally a legislation ruled on Taxes, as applicable in the US to prevent exploitation of immigrant children from being deprived of the basic amenities essential for a healthy life in the modern phenomenon, implemented with the code SB1819. It was initially sponsored by Texas senators, including Tom Creighton, Lois Kolkhorst and Donna Campbell. Taking into concern the social need of welfare, with the rising numbers of undocumented immigrants, this legislation was enacted (Escalante, â€Å"Fight for the Texas Dream Act Continues†). Undoubtedly, Texas and its social features have a considerably important role to play in the improvisation of the Act, triggering a series of favoring as well as opposing social movements throughout the US. DREAM Act was developed for the purpose of rectifying discrimination of undocumented immigrant children from their educational rights. The primary objectives of this Act have thereafter been emphasizing the legalization of the overall status of undocumented immigrant children residing in Texas (Nakamura, Costa and Fahrenthold, â€Å"Obama announces immigration overhaul shielding 4 million from deportation†). Undoubtedly though, the enactment of the stated legislation had to face many conflicts and hindrances owing to its supposed limitations concerning registration of the undocumented immigrant children and the allocation of national resources to suffice their needs. In order to mitigate these limitations, the various conditions noted to come under the DREAM Act emphasized that immigrant children entering the country, must be at an age of 15 years at least to obtain the benefit and get registered in the public schools of Texas. Besides, the children should have sufficient pro of regarding their presence within the nation for a minimum five years (Escalante, â€Å"Fight for the Texas Dream Act Continues†). Rate of immigration in Texas has

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Intrigue at the Immune Synapse Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intrigue at the Immune Synapse - Assignment Example This also allows the persistence of infectious organisms inside cells, leading to chronic infections. The development of high-resolution microscopy techniques and computer enhancement of previously used imaging methods to create three-dimensional images has allowed visualization and observation of immune synapses. 5. The author states, ‘virtually all the surface (cytoplasmic membrane) proteins involved in immune cells’ recognition of disease (pathogens) have been identified and named.† If this is true, then why is the immune synapse such a profound discovery? Although the proteins involved have been identified and named, their roles and how they bring about communication between immune cells has not been entirely discovered. These discoveries, including that on the immune synapse, can be made by observing or ‘just watching’ the cells and proteins at work. The team of Charles A. Janeway, Jr., at Yale University performed the following experiment in 1988: they fitted T cells tightly into the pores of a membrane, which was then immersed in a solution. A stimulant to activate T cells was added to the solution on only 1 side of the membrane. They then detected proteins secreted by activated T cells in the solution containing the stimulant, but the proteins were absent in the stimulant-free solution on the other side of the membrane. This experiment demonstrated the ability of immune cells to secrete proteins after activation specifically in the direction of the stimulant. The neuronal and immune synapses are similar as they both involve communication and signal transduction between two cells through the interaction and activity of specific proteins. Neuronal and immune synapses also seem to share some common proteins, such as the Agrin protein and the Neuropilin-1 receptor. The synapse structure of both cell types forms a bull’s-eye pattern. However, they have differences too. Neuronal

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Domino's Pizza Media Crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Domino's Pizza Media Crisis - Research Paper Example The women holding the camera spoke the following vulgar words while filming the video: â€Å"We all have our secret ingredient....and in about five minutes they will be sent out on delivery where somebody will be eating these. Yes, eating em. And little did they know that cheese was in his nose and that there was some lethal gas that ended up on their salami. Now, that’s how we roll at Domino’s.† (Actual words of Kristie Hammonds). (Jacques 2009). What made matters worse was that both employees, the female holding the camera and the man performing various disgusting acts of contamination with the food, were in Domino’s uniform. The video was shot during working hours and the female employee repeatedly claimed that the contaminated food would soon reach innocent, unsuspecting customers. There were a total of five videos uploaded on YouTube by Kristie Hammond and they went viral within the span of a few minutes. One of the video was of 2.26 minutes duration and was named Domino’s Pizzas Special Ingredients, and showed Michael Setzer passing gas on salami and sticking pieces of cheese up his nose before inserting them into a sandwich. Meanwhile, Kristie joked consistently and claimed that food contamination occurs daily at Domino’s. The other videos were titled Sneeze Sticks, Poopie Dishes and Domino’s Pizza Burger. One of the videos also showed the name of the customer to which Kristie narrates, that the contaminated food would be delivered to. Later, the employees stated that the videos were a prank and none of the food they delivered was actually tempered with. However, the damage was done and the video was much talked about and many online conversations on Facebook and Twitter made it the foci of their attention and this was the primary reason why the issue became a social media crisis. By April 15, the first page offered on Google search for ‘Dominos’ contained at least five out of twelve reference s of the food tampering video on YouTube. (Jacques 2009). Objectives: For the first 24 hours, Domino’s executives did nothing in the hope that the issue would resolve by itself. However, when this did not happen, the executives were forced into action. The first objective in reversing the damage done to their Company was the identification and the subsequent dismissing of the two employees, Kristie Hammonds and Michael Setzer. The second objective was to contact the local authorities and issue a warrant for their arrest. The third objective was the removal of the food tampering video from YouTube and to contact the consumerist and, two popular blog sites. The fourth objective was to call the local health department for the inspection of N.C. Domino’s store, where the video was filmed. The fifth objective was the issuance of a formal press release and the creation of an account on Twitter to issue responses to online conversations and to dedicate time in r eassuring customers about the fact that this was an isolated incidence and strict safety and cleanliness measures were followed at all Domino’s stores. The sixth objective was to launch an apology video on YouTube featuring the President of Domino’s. (Jaffe 2010). Programming: On 13 April, Domino’s headquarters was alerted for the first time about the disturbing videos posted on YouTube. The first person at Domino’s to learn about the videos on was the company’

Friday, July 26, 2019

Beauty and the Beast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Beauty and the Beast - Essay Example Although there are many versions, this paper will compare and contrast Villeneuve version with that of Disney because of the characters used, setting and plotting. The versions are different in some aspects and at the same time similar. For instance, similarities and differences arises by focusing on the main characters in the story. In the Disney version, the Beast is selfish and whiny who revenged actions of others, such as the woman who refused sheltering . This is contrary to the Villeneuve version where the Beast is unselfish and the only wrong portrayed is refusing to marry his governess. For this reason, I see that the characters in the two versions are different in that one is punished for wrongdoing while the other falls victim of injustices. Similarly, I feel the two versions are different in the way they portray the main character, Belle. In the Disney version, she is the only child of the inventor and lives in France. People love her, and they always bust into songs in her praise. She was the beautiful girl in the village, but unaware of her beauty, making her develop an interest in books and adventuring rather than a housewife.Far rell (315) also supports this observation Contrarily, the Villeneuve versions portray Belle as the youngest daughter of the merchant who lives a luxurious life in the city.Okapina (10) also shares the same sentiments. From all these, one character has different meanings hence confusing the reader as portrayed in the two versions. Secondly, I feel the two versions are different on their expositions. For instance, Disney version names Belle’s father as Maurice and he successfully managed the wood chopping invention making him move to different towns with the hope of winning a prize in fair. However, he got lost on his way back in the woods before coming across the Beast’s castle. In Villeneuve version, the father was referred as the merchant who lost all his wealth because of fire and others taken to pay

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Prostate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prostate - Essay Example Similarly, diabetes cases are at an amazing. Though there is no apparent relation between prostate cancer and diabetes. However, recent research has shown that type 2 diabetes cases in men often lead to prostate cancer . "These distressing numbers show how important it is to prevent type 2 diabetes since there is a slight chance of diabetics developing prostate cancer," said Ann Albright, director of the diabetes translation division at CDC, in a statement. "We know that a structured lifestyle program that includes losing weight and increasing physical activity can prevent or delay type-2 diabetes." Available data suggests that the prostate cancer rates have shot up greatly since 2008 to about 20 percent. If this trend continues, nearly a fifth of the entire male U.S. population will eventually be ailing. At the moment, 8.3 percent of all Americans, and 11.3 percent of people over the age of 40, now have the disease. What is even more alarming is that 27% of patients are not even aware of their condition. If we closely assess the trend, we find that the rates of prostate cancer in America are expected to rise further in the years to come . There are many risk factors for prostate cancer. These include alcohol intake, high blood pressure, obesity, lifestyle changes, eating unhealthy foods especially high-fat diets and high fat levels in the blood. Ethnicity is also a major contributing factor for prostate cancer. Certain groups have a greater risk of developing prostate cancer than non-Hispanic whites. They include which include as Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, and Japanese Americans. Another risk factor is aging. At a later age of 45, the risk for prostate cancer begins to rise substantially. However, the risk is higher at the age of 65. Apart from physical lifestyle changes, natural medicines like almonds and green leafy vegetables exist. These help to prevent and treat prostate cancer when added into the diet. Together with

Clinical use of Forgiveness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Clinical use of Forgiveness - Research Paper Example motes healthy interpersonal relations as it makes it easier people to get along with each other in good spirit and with no grudges held against one another (Braaten and Darling, 1962). It is based on such studies that the current research paper is being conducted as a means of using quantitative strategies and data collection approaches to test the validity of this position held in literature. But more importantly, the researcher holds the position that before the benefits of forgiveness can be experienced there must first be a means by which forgiveness can take place. In the light of this, the study also focuses on selected factors that can influence the ability of people to forgive each other. On the whole, the study comes as a two-way approach which first focuses on factors that bring about forgiveness and the outcome of forgiveness. To do this, a various sample sizes made up of people with some level of religious background and those with no religious backgrounds were set. The reason for doing this was to measure religiosity and its impact on affecting a person to be forgiving. There were different outcomes that were measured in the various sample groups. These included behavior, affect and cognition. Later in the study, the findings of the intervention on its ability to lead to forgives and the outcome of such interventions are presented and discussed. It is widely known that religiosity and forgiveness have a positive impact on an individual’s psychological, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Numerous studies have attested to the fact that religiosity and forgiveness moderate the growth of suicidal ideation, especially for adolescents. However, even though these correlations are well-documented further research is still needed in this area because of some major gaps in the literature, like the use of cross-cultural methods in examining the correlation between forgiveness and suicidal ideation. Therefore, this study formulated three hypotheses,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Special Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Special Education - Essay Example Qualitative research can â€Å"see precisely which events led to which consequences and derive fruitful explanations† (Miles and Huberman, 1994, p. 1). Moreover, it has a higher chance of being able to arrive at unanticipated findings and new combinations and relationships. These reasons are why the qualitative research design had been chosen for this study as it can give a clear view of why students with disabilities drop out of high school. It must be clarified that although quantitative data, such as statistics and percentages, were used in the study, it only acted as supportive numbers that laid the groundwork for this study. Furthermore, it is intended for this qualitative research to act as a recursive study for more accurate and extensive quantitative study on the same topic. The study employed a qualitative research design that was based on active observation. The qualitative research design has been criticized by many for its supposed inexactness due to its â€Å"interpretative, subjective, impressionistic and diagnostic† nature as it has been claimed that there is no unbiased observer (Thomson, 2007). However, when contending with abstract data, like â€Å"the often contradictory behaviors, beliefs, opinions, emotions, and relationships of individuals† and in this case, the reasons why certain people act a particular way, active observation is best employed as its strength lies in its capability to be able to provide a textual characterization of complex events such as human experience (Mack, et al., 2005).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Melody of the Nightingale - an Existential Pathway for Finding Essay

The Melody of the Nightingale - an Existential Pathway for Finding Peace - Essay Example With that said, a close look will be taken into John Keats’ â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† to highlight his version of transcendent beauty and define how he struck out against the oppression of the aristocracy. The wind blows softly in the distance, rustling autumn leaves across the dirt path. Small, broken branches are strewn about, as if from a recent storm, but the dirt is dry and blows little dust tunnels at the slightest provocation. In eight stanzas, the â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† by John Keats sets a reader up in this little moment in time to exhibit the pristine beauty of the nightingale in contrast with the harsh reality of his world. Using the power of poetry, Keats is able to become one with the nightingale, to cast off his world of death and despair and enjoy the beauty of the melody for its enchanting quality of escape. In fact, the very â€Å"act of writing the poem has already allowed him to join the nightingale† (Minahan 173). But, by the fin al stanza, his imagination is such that he is struck by a newfound despair when the object of his words takes flight and leaves him. To understand the speaker of the poem’s true despair and the beauty he finds from the melody of the nightingale, an explication will be taken into the words of Keats’ poem as he takes his reader on an emotional journey while highlighting the enchanting power that nature has in enabling the foundation of inner peace. It’s painful, so beautiful a melody that the speaker of the poem is struck by a profound pang upon hearing the nightingale’s song. It’s as though he is experiencing a â€Å"drowsy numbness [that] pains/[his] sense† (lines 1-2). He compares the sound to drinking hemlock (line 2) or taking opiates (line 3) and gives his reader a vision of him staring up at the beautiful nightingale, cursing it for its unendurable ability to be outside his current reality and at peace in some transcendent dimension. By the middle of the stanza, the speaker of the poem is studying the nightingale with solicitous eyes, noting that it must be through â€Å"some melodious plot† (line 8) that the aria can achieve such divine beauty. For the speaker, such a carefree attitude seems an impossibility—an incongruous aspect shining inconceivably in a futile and oppressive world. By the second stanza, the speaker is searching for an intoxicant to escape into the world of the nightingale and enjoy a similar untroubled life. He calls for a â€Å"beaker full of the warm South† (line 15) to immerse himself in a figurative and literal sense, into the song of the nightingale. His mind lingers over the â€Å"beaded bubbles winking at the brim† (line 17) that he could become one with nature, allowing him to â€Å"fade away into the forest dim† (line 20). In the third stanza, he is taken over by the promise of his intoxicant, waiting to leave behind â€Å"what thou among the leaves has never known† (line 22). In words tainted by despair, he defines this world as one full of sorrow and strife, with â€Å"weariness†¦fever†¦and fret† (line 23), one in which man endures the suffering of illness, hardship, and worry until, in the end, his life culminates in a thankless death. It is a world that beauty cannot even see, where the nightingale â€Å"cannot keep her lustrous eyes† (line 29). It is a world only glimpsed through the melodious chimes of the

Monday, July 22, 2019

International Business Management Essay Example for Free

International Business Management Essay Briefly explain the concept of competitive advantage. The concept of competitive advantage is all about a characteristic of having an edge over another product or service that drives the customer to choose one product or service over another. This edge can be in the form of a functionality such as multi-simcard mobile phones, or mobile phones with a television feature. It could be in the form of product design that makes the product more attractive and aesthetically desirable among a certain age group, gender or social class such as those belonging to Class A market, such as cars of the Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) class. On the other hand, competitive advantage could be in the form of a noted durability and quality of a product with such as Sony television set, or an IBM computer, both of which are noted for this quality feature. It can also pertain to the multi-feature of a product or service which increases its value but not much its price. It can be in the form of a cost advantage or differentiation advantage. In a market that is filled with competing products, the concept of competitive advantage drives the ultimate choice of the consumer on what product and service to patronize over the short, medium or long-term depending on the sustainability of the competitive edge. Hence, the concept of competitive advantage pertains to the uniqueness of a product of service. Explain the concept of economies of scale and show how it relates to competitive advantage Economies of scale represents the cost advantages that an organization or business obtains due to reengineering and expansion. Likewise, this pertains to the factors that cause a manufacturer’s or producer’s average cost per unit to decrease or fall as production scale is increased. It is also a long run concept and may refer to the decrease or reductions in unit cost as the size of a production facility, or scale, increases. Economies of scale may also pertain to the utilization of a production facility so that the manufacturing of a specific product becomes competitive in terms of cost. The reduction of the cost is due to the spreading of the fixed cost over a bigger volume of production to respond to an expanded market such as exports, special orders that likewise increases the number of units to cover a bigger demand or a bigger market. Why has Ford been unable to achieve full economies of scale in manufacturing and how is the new CEO planning to address this problem? Ford has traditionally been a producer of big cars that had not been able to bring competition to its doors. With the assumption of a new CEO from Boeing, the concept of small cars found its way into the manufacturing processes using the same platform in producing the compact cars for the North American as well as the European market. With the introduction of small compact cars in the North American market, identical platforms as that used in other markets can support identical cars being produced and marketed in other markets. Using the term global to describe the Ford Focus as a global brand, Ford Motors does not anticipate the model to manufactured differently which will entail higher production cost due to non-availment of that economies of scale. Thus, the rationalization of the production processes will likely result into a cost-savings advantage. . What does the Ford case show about the tension between Local and Global strategies? Local and global strategies, insofar as Ford Motors Company is concerned, vary greatly in terms of approaches. Local strategies are what defines the marketing approaches that are confined to the local market and its workings. Global strategies indicate a more sophisticated marketing approach to a wider area and which requires a more comprehensive management of resources to stay competitive and relevant. The Ford case is an eye-opener for Ford itself. Its traditional view of car manufacturing has been confined to its own culture of bigness. Thus, with smaller cars responding to a new global demand in and a response to the increasing world oil prices, the consumer market suddenly found an ally among oil producing and exporting countries. A new type of car, the global car is a sure winner for many. The tension between local and global standard at Ford Motors \company is an issue of sustainable competitive advantage in smaller cars that require common platforms, a lower production cost profile and a pocket friendly car with social relevance in terms of savings.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Socratess Theory of Forms

Socratess Theory of Forms Theory of Forms Introduction Knowledge about the world is developed by basing on the things we see, listen and perceive and the information about these things is dependent on the senses and our perception about them. The knowledge and the perception, about even the most common things in the world are dependent on the general concept that exists about them. The descriptions of the things are defined by their appearance. Impression and the effects they have, but, for all these some standards are defined and these standards are used to categorize the things. Socrates also made this the center of his study and in his theory about the forms, he states that the things are explained on the basis of the concepts and those concepts are abstract in nature. This paper will be about the theory of forms presented by Socrates and the allegories that he used to explain them in detail. The paper will include the summary of the theory of forms followed by the third man objection to the argument, next comes the supposed counter a rgument by Socrates of all things in the world are set of ne large poll of forms, followed by the response to the counter argument all forms being the subject of another large set or being mutually exclusive, succeeded by the fact that inexistence of infinity and finally the conclusion to the whole discussion. Socrates Theory of Forms In the famous theory of forms or idea Socrates explains that the things achieve the properties like beauty or virtue with the help of other properties like having the property of being good and being beautiful and the existence of these properties make things what they are. It is our perception and our mind that decides what is beautiful and not our senses (Pluto Republic pp. 579-582). Similarly there can be several types of the virtues and the states, in which they exist, but, there will be one common attribute to it that is virtue. We are not able to see these things, like beauty, like the way we can see the other objects (Pluto Republic 507b). Since these properties beauty and virtue cannot be seen with the eyes and they can be perceived through different means and exist in separate domain and this can be considered as forms. Since our senses can be falsified and they can have different perception and can perceive wrong things then only philosophy can give the actual solution to this problem. In terms of forms, Socrates explained that there are a varieties of objects and things in the world that are related to the same concept and if those objects are liable to that particular concept then it is the certain feature that that particular concept should be common in these objects. Based on these assumptions, these things should have that particular attribute in common and if they are related to that attribute, and then it is the part of the existence of the things. It is certain that if some objects share same attribute, then a part of that attribute may be common in them, but, it cannot exist completely in a single object. B ased on the facts we can say that if a group of objects have some attribute in common it is because of the fact that they all are liable to it, but, it cannot exist completely in one objects and this comes to the result that the particular attribute that is shared must be the abstract in nature and can’t be accessed by senses. (Baird pp. 279-282) The main feature that exists in these attributes or properties is that that they are intelligible, clear and explainable (Pluto Republic 509d ff). Another feature that these properties or forms have is that they have is that they are unchangeable and exist in the same form (Pluto Republic 484b ff). The form may vary in the objects they exist but it will remain in its original form, in its actual existence (Pluto Republic 484b ff). Forms were further explained in Parmenides and was explained and were that every object has one or the other type of the form and the form has one and only one property that itself and cannot be mixed and also do not have any other property i.e. it is pure in its existence like beauty will have no other feature than beauty in itself. Moreover, every form is unique and has oneness in it i.e. there can be no copies of the form and it is the only one that exists and defines the objects that are associated with it and the forms are self defined and self predicted (Pluto Parmenides 128e- 130a). We cannot qualify or interpret a form on the basis of contrary predicate and the beauties itself can only e defined by being beautiful in its existence and nothing else. Form is self predicted and cannot rely on any other form and nothing can exist within it (Pluto Republic 479a-c, 523). Forms are abstract in nature and on the basis of the property they have, they give that particular feature to th e things in which they exist. A thing may be beautiful at one point, but, with the passage of time, the beauty may be compromised and may not exist in the form in which, it was actually and this may change the shape off object in which form originally existed. But, the existence of form cannot be challenged and it will remain in its original state, without any change or degradation and the actual form will not be influenced and cannot be defined by other forms. Parmenides’ Third Man Objection An objection that was raised against the Socrates’ theory of forms, in particular to his claim that all the objects that are answerable to one form have that form in it and that form also has that attribute in it and is self predicted. Parmenides claimed that if F is the form then if the three objects have same feature in common or have F-ness in them then it is the terms on which we all explain and determine these objects ids the form F. property of largeness was used in this case and Parmenides claimed that if the form F also has F-ness in it then there should be another form or other level of the form say F* that can explain this Form F. in this case F will not be self predictable and will be dependent on other form F*. in the similar manner F* will have F-ness and it cannot be defined by itself and will further depend on F** ( Pluto Parmenides 132 a-b). For example if a Form is large then it should have the property of largeness in it, but, cannot be explained by the form large itself and there should be the other form say large2 that will explain this property and later large2 will be dependent on large 3 and so on and it will lead to infinity. Socrates’ Response When it is said that F has an F-ness in it, it means that the property that makes a form F, F is the F-ness. It cannot be said that it is derived from some another version of the form. If we say that someone is honest, it means that we have actually defined what a hones person actually and when we make a square or show that it has the property of being square it means that we will give the representation of that form in a manner that it will fulfill all the attributes associated with it. When the form honesty is defined, the points are associated with it that determines what actually being honest means. When it is said that form honest has the property of honesty in it, it means that this forms represents what honesty actually means. If we define three groups a, b and z and we tell that the things in group have honesty in them which actually belongs to la large group of forms F. the larger group F will have all types of forms but the distinct ones and these will be the ones that wil l help in identifying the members of group a. it means that group F is a predefined and limited group, that helps in defining other groups. It means that group F is the group of standards and is the ones that decides that which things fall into which category. This means that since forms are abstracts, so, they are also are the standards on the basis of which the things are explained and defined. Objection to Socrates’ Response It means that the set X that is the set of all the forms are the standards that are helping in categorizing and defining other objects. When a standard itself is defined then there will be some other features that will have these features. But, if we defined property F1 and make it a standard then, it means that we associate set of features to it and these features decided what actually will be the standard or form F1should be. If for defining the standard of the form we say that let us have a form F1, F1 is combination of x, y, z and when x, y and z combine together then they can define what actually F1 is. It means that my original objection related to self prediction remains true. The form F1 will lose the property of being unique and distinct in its form. Let us take honesty. Honesty is the property that has truthfulness, reliability and sincerity in it. These collectively define Honesty. This shows that honesty itself is dependent on the other three forms of truthfulness, reliab ility and sincerity. It means that we will have to later define what these three features are and this process will go on and will become infinite. It means that we will have much large set than F, that will be defining the forms that are member of F. it is also possible that the attributes that define a form are also the member of the set F and they are interlinked to each other and are dependent on each other for their existence. Argument against Parmenides’ Objection If a form F1 is dependable on F2, F3 and F4 for its existence, it means that it is not the standard itself. The entire larger concept that define the world are the ones that are self defined and are independent of the other facts and forms. If we say that set F is the subset of a much larger set X and X is itself the subset of another set Y, but this all process will end at one point or the other. When we say that something is unique, it means that it is one in its form. When we say that god is one, it means that he is the only one who can achieve such greatness and no one can be compared to it and will have the property of being the God in him. For a God we define who can be the God and who can be the one that can rule over all humanity. It means that we have defined him as the symbol or standards. But, there are properties of greatness and oneness that are defining him, which means that God’s existence is not infinite, but it order to tell about the extent of his influence p roperties of greatness and oneness are needed, which means that in order to even define the greatest one in the world, we need the properties even smaller and much lesser than it. Therefore, it holds true that all the forms are mutually exclusively and are dependent on other forms; we can say that nothing is infinite, but, it is true that forms themselves need to be defined, with the help of other forms. Conclusion We can conclude from all these discussions that the forms are not purely self predicted, although the form is a symbol for its property and distinct feature, but, it is true that in order to define a standard or form, we also need the help from the other forms, which may be much larger or much lesser in greatness or strength. Although the standards tell us about their specific feature, but, they are the part of the much larger pool and are also dependent on the other forms of its own group. Works Cited Pluto. (2011). Ancient Philosophy: Volume I, 6th edition. In Parmenides, Ancient Philosophy: Volume I, 6th edition (pp. 290-297). pearson/ Prentice Hall. Pluto. (2011). Republic. In F. E. Braid, Ancient Philosophy: Volume I, 6th edition (pp. 274-288). Pearson/Prentice Hall.

A Central Processing Unit

A Central Processing Unit A central processing unit, also known as central processor unit, is the hardware inside a computer system that process instructions of a computer program by performing the simple arithmetical, logical, and input/output (I/O) operations of the system. The term has been utilized in the computer industry about since the early 1960s. The concept, design, and implementation of CPUs have altered over the period of its history, but the foundation of its operation is still un-change. On big machines, CPUs need at least one printed circuit boards. For the personal computers and small workstations, the CPU is installed into one silicon chip called a microprocessor. In the 1970s the microprocessor type of CPUs had nearly fully implement all other CPU implementations. Modern CPUs are in big scale integrated circuits in packages usually smaller than four centimeters square, with hundreds of connecting pins. Two usual things of a CPU are the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which process arithmetic an d logical operations, and the control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes then executes them, calling on the ALU when needed. Not every computational systems depend on a central processing unit. An array processor or vector processor has many parallel computing elements, with no unit to be known the center. For the distributed computing model, issues are corrected by a distributed interconnected set of processors. (Himes, A. 2012) Answer for question 1 Computers such as the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) need to be physically rewired to carry different operations, that results these machines to be known as fixed-program computers. Since the word CPU is basically known as a device for software (computer program) execution, the very first devices that could rightly be known as CPUs came with the arrival of the stored-program computer. The concept of a stored-program computer was already existed in the design of J. Presper Eckert and John William Mauchlys ENIAC, but was not included in the beginning so that it could be complete faster. On June 30, 1945, before ENIAC was created, mathematician John von Neumann distributed the paper called First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer). It was the plan of a stored-program computer that should be finished in August 1949. EDVAC was made to carry out some amount of instructions (or operations) of various types. The instructions can be combined to make useful programs for the EDVAC to work. The programs made for EDVAC were saved in high-speed computer memory instead of specified by the physical wiring of the computer. This settle the problem of a serious limitation of ENIAC, which was the cquite an amount of time and effort needed to reconfigure the computer to carry out a new task. Using the von Neumanns implementation, the progra m, or software, that EDVAC perform could be modified easily by changing the contents of the memory. (Himes, A. 2012) Every of the computer designs of the beginning of year 1950s was a unique design. There were no upward-compatible devices or computer architectures with numerous, varying implementations. Programs designed for a machine might not function on another kind, even other kinds from the similar company. This was not a great drawback at that time due to there was not a huge body of software made to work on computers, so starting programming from the beginning was not a serious issue. The design flexibility of the time was very crucial, for designers were very restrictive by the cost of electronics, yet just started to discover about how a computer could best be organized. Certain fundamental features implemented during this time like the index registers (on the Ferranti Mark 1), a return-address storing instruction (UNIVAC I), immediate operands (IBM 704), and the detection of invalid operations (IBM 650). ( 2012) By the late of the year 1950s commercial builders had made factory-constructed, truck-deliverable computers. The most well known installed computer was the IBM 650, which used drum memory into the programs that were loaded using either paper tape or punched cards. Certain very high-end machines also utilize core memory which results in higher speeds. Hard disks were also start to become more widely use. ( 1970) A computer is an automatic abacus. The type of number system will result the way it operates. In the early 1950s majority computers were made for specific numerical processing operations, and many machines utilized decimal numbers as their basic number system. That is the mathematical functions of the machines laboured in base-10 instead of base-2 as is general today. These were not solely binary coded decimal. Most machines usually had ten vacuum tubes per digit in each register. (Himes, A. 2012) At the end of year 1970, main computer languages were not able to standardize their numeric behavior due to decimal computers had groups of users too big to alienate. Even when designers utilize the binary system, they still had many strange ideas. Some used sign-magnitude arithmetic (-1 = 10001), or ones complement (-1 = 11110), instead of modern twos complement arithmetic (-1 = 11111). Majority computers used 6-bit character sets, due to they moderately encoded Hollerith cards. It was a serious revelation to designers of this period to be aware that the data word should be a multiple of the character size. They started to make computers with 12, 24 and 36 bit data words. (RMI Media Productions. 1979) As opposed to contemporary CPUs which was from the year 1990 until today, the design and growth of the CPU has new execution and levels which makes modern CPU more quicker, small and efficient in comparison to the early designs of CPU. One of the implementation is multi-threading. Present designs perform best when the computer is operating only an application, however almost every current operating-system permit the user to perform several applications at the exact time. For the CPU to alter over and do task on another program needs costly context switching. In comparison, multi-threaded CPUs can manage instructions from several applications at once. To do this, this kind of CPUs involve numerous sets of registers. When a context switch takes place, the contents of the working registers are merely duplicated into one of a set of registers for this intent. This kind of designs usually involve thousands of registers rather than hundreds as in a typical design. On the disadvantage, registers are likely to be somewhat costly in chip space required to implement them. This chip space could otherwise be utilized for some other function. Second implementation is multi-core. Multi-core CPUs are commonly multiple CPU cores on the similar die, linked to each other through a shared L2 or L3 cache, an on-die bus, or an on-die crossbar switch. Every of the CPU cores on the die share interconnect components with which to interface to the other processors and the rest of the system. These components might consist of a front side bus interface, a memory controller to interface with DRAM, a cache coherent connected to other processors, and a non-c oherent connected to the southbridge and I/O devices. The words multi-core and MPU (which is Micro-Processor Unit) have come into common usage for an individual die that consists of multiple CPU cores. Thirdly is very long instruction word(VLIW) and Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC). VLIW relates to a processor architecture made to utilize the advantage of instruction level parallelism (ILP). Whilst conventional processors typically only permit programs that specify instructions to be carried out one after another, a VLIW processor permit programs that can clearly specify instructions to be performed at the exact time (i.e. in parallel). This kind of processor architecture is meant to enable higher performance without the inherent sophistication of some other ways. Intels Itanium chip is based on what they call an EPIC design. This design supposedly offers the VLIW benefit of enhanced instruction throughput. Nevertheless, it prevents some of the problems of scaling an d complexity, by clearly giving in each bundle of instructions information concerning their dependencies. This information is calculated by the compiler, as it would be in a VLIW design. The initial versions are also backward-compatible with existing x86 software by means of an on-chip emulation mode. Integer performance was not good and regardless of enhancements, sales in volume markets continue to be low. One of the earliest CPU was the UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer I) in the year 1951 and the speed of this CPU was 0.0008 IPS (Instructions per second). As in year 2011, one of the fastest personal computer CPUs was the Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition 3960X which has a staggering speed of 53.3 IPS. Compared to the early CPU like the UNIVAC I, the latest CPU is at least sixty-six times faster. (Mostafa, E. and Hesham. 2005) Conclusion for question 1 Central processing unit (CPU) is a very important component in a computer because it process instructions of a computer program by performing the simple arithmetical, logical, and input/output (I/O) operations of the system. That is why CPU also known as the brain of the computer. The CPU has rich in history since the year 1945 before the CPU term had been use and the design and implementation of the CPU had improved tremendously over the years, thus, becoming more powerful and efficient. CPU had been used in various type of computers, from personal computer to super computer. Introduction for question 2 Speaking of computer architecture, a bus is a subsystem that moves data among elements within a computer, or between computers. Initial computer buses were parallel electrical wires with several connections, but the term is now applied for any physical layout that offers the similar logical functionality as a parallel electrical bus. Current computer buses can use both parallel as well as bit serial connections, and can be wired in either a multidrop (electrical parallel) or daisy chain topology, or linked by switched hubs, as in the case of USB. Buses function in units of cycles, messages and transactions. Talking about cycles, a message needs an amount of clock cycles to be delivered from sender to receiver through the bus. Speaking of messages, these are logical unit of information. For instance, a write message contains an address, control signals and the write data. Speaking of transactions, a transaction comprises of a sequence of messages which collectively form a transaction. For instance, a memory read needs a memory read message and a reply with the requested data. ( 2007) Answer for question 2 Buses can be parallel buses, which transport data words in parallel on numerous wires, or serial buses, which transport data in bit-serial form. The addition of extra power and control connections, differential drivers, and data connections in every direction generally indicates that mojority serial buses have extra conductors than the minimum of one utilized in 1-Wire and UNI/O. As data rates raise, the issues of timing skew, power usage, electromagnetic interference and crosstalk across parallel buses turn into more and more hard to circumvent. One partial solution to this issue is to double pump the bus. Usually, a serial bus can be worked at greater overall data rates than a parallel bus, regardless of having less electrical connections, due to the fact a serial bus basically has no timing skew or crosstalk. USB, FireWire, and Serial ATA are the likes of this. Multidrop connections will not perform properly for fast serial buses, so most contemporary serial buses utilize daisy-ch ain or hub designs. Traditional computer buses were bundles of wire that linked computer memory and peripherals. Anecdotally termed the digit trunk, they were known as after electrical power buses, or busbars. Almost often, there was single bus for memory, and one or more independent buses for peripherals. These were accessed by separate instructions, with entirely different timings and protocols. (Null, L., Lobur, J. 2006) One of the initial complications was the utilization of interrupts. Early computer programs carry out I/O by holding out in a loop for the peripheral to become prepared. This was a waste of time for program that had other tasks to perform. Also, if the program tried to carry out those other tasks, it may take too long for the program to check again, causing a loss of data. Engineers therefore set up for the peripherals to interrupt the CPU. The interrupts had to be prioritized, simply because the CPU will only perform code for one peripheral at a time, and some systems are more crucial than others. (Lochan, R. and Panigrahy. 2010) High-end systems implemented the plan of channel controllers, which were primarily small computers committed to deal with the input and output of a given bus. IBM implemented these on the IBM 709 in 1958, and they became into a usual feature of their platforms. Other high-performance vendors like Control Data Corporation utilized identical designs. Commonly, the channel controllers would perform their very best to manage all of the bus operations internally, transferring data when the CPU was deemed to be busy elsewhere if likely, and only utilizing interrupts when necessary. This tremendously reduce CPU load, and allows outstanding all round system performance. To provide modularity, memory and I/O buses can be combined into a unified system bus. In this situation, a single mechanical and electrical system can be utilized to link together numerous of the system components, or in some instances, all of them. Later computer programs started to share memory common to some CPUs. Accessi ng to this memory bus needed to be prioritized, as well. The easy method to prioritize interrupts or bus access was with a daisy chain. In this scenario signals will normally pass through the bus in physical or logical order, eliminating of the need for complex scheduling. (Null, L., Lobur, J. 2006) A system bus is an independent computer bus that connects the primary components of a computer system. The method was created to cut down costs and boost modularity. It combines the functions of a data bus to transport information, an address bus to decide where it should be delivered, and a control bus to identify its function. Every mainboard has a set of wires running across it that interconnect all the devices and chips that are lugged into it. These wires are jointly known as bus. The amount of wires in the bus determines how wide the bus is. A data bus is a computer subsystem that enables for the transporting of data from one component to another on a motherboard or system board, or between two computers. This can involve transporting data to and from the memory, or from the central processing unit(CPU) to other components. Every one is made to manage a quantity bits of data at a time. The quantity of data a data bus can deal with is known as bandwidth. The data bus comprises o f 8, 16, or 32 parallel signal lines. The data bus lines are bidirectional. Numerous devices in a system will have their outputs linked to the data bus, but only one device at a time will have its outputs enabled. Any device linked on the data bus must have three-state outputs so that its outputs can be disabled when it is not getting utilized to put data on the bus. An address bus is a computer bus architecture function to transport data between devices that are known by the hardware address of the physical memory (the physical address), which is kept in the form of binary numbers to allow the data bus to access memory storage. The address bus is utilized by the CPU or a direct memory access (DMA) enabled device to find the physical address to convey read/write commands. All address busses are read and written by the CPU or DMA in the form of bits. An address bus is part of the system bus architecture, which was created to reduce costs and improve modular integration. (Ram, B. 2007 ) Nevertheless, majority of current computers use a wide range of single buses for certain tasks. An individual computer consists of a system bus, which links the main components of a computer system and has three primary elements, of which the address bus is one of them, together with the data bus and control bus. An address bus is gauge by the quantity of memory a system can access. A system with a 32-bit address bus can handle 4 gigabytes of memory space. More sophisticated computers utilize a 64-bit address bus with a supporting operating system able to deal with 16 gigabytes of memory locations, which is virtually infinite. A control bus is a computer bus that is utilized by the CPU to interact with devices that are contained inside the computer. This happens via physical connections such as cables or printed circuits. The CPU transfers a wide range of control signals to components and devices to transfer control signals to the CPU making use of the control bus. One of the primary goals of a bus is to reduce the lines that are required for communication. An individual bus enables communication among devices employing single data channel. The control bus is bidirectional and helps the CPU in synchronizing control signals to internal devices and external components. It is made up of interrupt lines, byte enable lines, read/write signals and status lines. Interaction between the CPU and control bus is required for operating an efficient and functional system. With the lack of control bus the CPU unable decide whether the system is obtaining or transmitting data. It is the control bus that manages which way the write and read information need to go. The control bus consists of a control line for write instructions and a control line for read instructions. When the CPU writes data to the main memory, it sends a signal to the write command line. The CPU also transmits a signal to the read command line when it requires to read. This signal allows the CPU to receive or transmit data from main memory. (Ram, B. 2007) Conclusion for question 2 Bus in computer architecture is a very important component in a computer. A bus is a subsystem that moves data among elements within a computer, or between computers. A system bus is an independent computer bus that connects the primary components of a computer system and this method was created to cut down costs and boost modularity. It combines the functions of a data bus to transport information, an address bus to decide where it should be delivered, and a control bus to identify its function. One of the primary goals of a bus is to reduce the lines that are required for communication.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Landmines :: Nuclear War Weapons Essays

Landmines The possible use of weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear bombs, biological and chemical weapons, terrorizes us, as it can have catastrophic repercussions if they were to be in the hands of terrorists. One of the reasons behind our fear is that no matter where we are in the world can we tomorrow suffer from the use of such weapons, and are in no place completely safe, as we have seen with the catastrophe of September 11, 2001. Yet there exists many other weapons that can be used to harms civilians, from which we are less conscious about since they don’t affect us. The result of the use of landmines, for example has been horrendous in many third world countries, hurting many non-military personnel, even once a conflict between tow nations has been resolved. They have been implanted on the battlefield of more than 70 countries in the world, and are still being built by some of the most powerful nations such as Russia, China or the United States. The first known description of a pressure-activated landmine was by the German military historian Frieherr Von Flemming in 1726, but such mines were not commonly used in warfare until the Second World War. It has been accounted that more than 300 million mines were deployed between 1939 and 1945. In the first part of the war mines were solely used as a device to counter enemy tanks. Yet, one of the problems with Anti-Tank (AT) mines of the time was that they were easily removed and re-used by the other side, so Anti-Personnel (AP) were created to solve this problem. They were deployed around AT mines to prevent their removal. Originally, both AT and AP landmines were developed as tactical, defensive weapons. They were intended to protect troops, military bases, and key installations like power plants and water supplies. After the Second World War, with the advances in technology the landmines became an offensive weapon. Mines in the 1960’s could be simply launched from an airp lane, and would only activate once on the ground, thus making it possible to drop more mines from the air than if placing them on the ground. Not only this would allow mines to be placed in a war zone in a much greater frequency, but until now, each mine that was placed was recorded and mapped, in order to be able to remove it once the conflict was over.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Tiny Robots in Your Bloodstream: The Future of Medicine

The thought of microscopic robots traveling through your body may seem like a science fiction novel from the 1960’s but, in the next decade or so, it may become science fact. Imagine clogged arteries being swept clean, cancer cells detected and destroyed and kidney stones being dissolved, all done by minute robots, eliminating the need for costly and invasive surgery. These are just some of the possible applications of nanotechnology in medicine, also known as nanomedicine. Nanomedicine can dramatically improve medicine and healthcare beyond our imagination. Nanotechnology was first mentioned in 1959 in a talk given by physicist Richard Feynman. Although he did not use the term, he described a process by which a pair of normal sized robot arms would build a copy of itself that was one tenth its size. That pair of arms would continue the process and so on until the arms reached the size of a molecule. (Patel 63) This would be the level of nanotechnology. Nano comes from the Greek word meaning â€Å"dwarf†. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter and when we speak of nanotechnology we are speaking of devices in the 1 to 100 nanometer scale. To help visualize how small that is, a germ is about 1000 nm wide, a human hair is about 100,000 nm wide. (Marchant, G. E. 231) The scanning tunneling microscope, invented in 1981 by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, allowed humans to see individual atoms. Binnig and Rohrer both worked as physicists for the computer company IBM. The atomic force microscope was invented a few years later which allowed the user to actually move atoms by using a feeler with an extremely small, sharp needle on the end which allows it to see and move the atoms by f... ... and we will be able to create our own virtual realities that will integrate all our senses, expanding our intelligence in ways we cannot imagine. Nanomedicine will give rise to AI by giving humans extremely detailed scans and diagrams of the human brain and how it functions. Eventually, AI will be able to think and have emotional responses thanks to the info gathered by Nanobots. The two technologies will feed off one another resulting in a world that may be more wild than any science fiction novel ever written. (Kurzweil 40-46) It is clear that nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize health care and even transport humanity into the next evolutionary leap, but great care must be taken in order make sure we get there safely. Once technology becomes smarter than humanity, we may not be able to control our destiny any longer.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analysis of Leroi Jones A Poem Some People Will Have To Understand Ess

Analysis of Leroi Jones' A Poem Some People Will Have To Understand  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is an implied threat in "A Poem Some People Will Have To Understand" by Leroi Jones. Ostensibly, there is no intimidation. The poem is confessional, even reflective; the theme is one of mutability and change. However, there is something frightening and ominous in Jones1 vision, which he creates through attention to word choice and structure. Jones' warning is immediately evident in the title through his manipulation of words. The phrase "have to" has two meanings. One the one hand, "have to" is an innocuous statement of the alliance Jones expects to find among his Afro-American readers--these people will "have to" understand the poem because it speaks to their individual, personal lives. On the other hand, there is a more sinister connotation in "have to"--the idea that others will "have to" understand this poem because they will be forced to do so. Beyond the title, Jones creates a forbidding speaker--a man at a crossroads, or rather, at a moment of decision. However, the structure of the first stanza is direct and conservative, almost prosaic. Jones gives us nothing that is revolutionary here. Instead, he lays the groundwork for this piece with the gloomy initial images of "(d)ull unwashed windows of eyes"(1). These eyes are no doubt those of the speaker, and they have been dulled and dirtied by his existence as a black man in the post-segregation 1960s. The "industry" he mentions in lines 2 and 3 is both the industry of the American machine that exploits the underprivileged, and the industry he "practice(s)." The speaker is a self-professed "slick / colored boy, 12 miles from his / home" who practices "no industry" (35). By "... ...The promised "phenomenon" has not come, and it is now up to him to bring it about through violence. Jones does not allow the speaker to lose any of his charm as he politely invites his "machinegunners"--the tools of his new industry--to "please step forward" (26). He is a hustler to the end, a smooth-talker who is now at home in his new ego and his new profession. Jones employs the dynamics of change to his speaker throughout the poem. From an aimless vagrant to a passionate revolutionary, Jones plots his speaker's course using specific words and structural techniques. Through these elements, we witness the evolution of a new black man--one who is not content with the passivity of his earlier spiritual leaders. We are left with a threat--a steel fist in a velvet glove of poetry--and it becomes a poem that we "have to" understand, whether we want to or not.   

Misconception of Religion

Ryan Wood Alicia Alexander Eng. 131 2, November 2010 Misconception of Religion in â€Å"The Gospel According to Mark† and â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings. † In the two short stories both authors, Jorge Luis Borges in â€Å"The Gospel According to Mark† and Gabriel Garcia Marquez in â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† use religion as examples on how different individuals use and believe in it. As we read the story’s we will see how religion is sometimes misconceived and misinterpreted by people so they can benefit in their own personal lives, and personal well-being.In the stories both characters are seemed to be looked at as maybe something they are not. This will lead us to the misconception and misunderstanding that people have on religion and beliefs. In the short story â€Å"The Gospel According to Mark† the main character Baltasar Espinosa is seemed to be looked at like a God by a family that does not know much about relig ion or the Bible. The Gutres are a small family that seems to be looking for a religious figure they can believe in since they do not understand religious beliefs. In â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† Pelayo and his wife Elisenda find an old man with wings in front of their house.They believe he could be an angel and decide to lock him inside a chicken coup. They believe he could be there for their sick child but at first there not quite sure. As the two stories evolve we will see how both families use Baltasar Espinosa, and the Old Man to gain advantages in their own lives. In Marquez story, â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† we see an example of how Elisenda starts using the Old Man to reap personal benefits. The narrator says, â€Å"Elisenda, her spine all twisted from sweeping up so much marketplace trash, then got the idea of fencing in the yard and charging five cents admission to see the angel† (354).As we read Borges story, â€Å"The Gosp el According to Mark† the narrator says, â€Å"The next day began like all the others, except that the father spoke to Espinosa to ask whether Christ had allowed himself to be killed in order to save all mankind† (347). Later we find out that the family decides to crucify Espinosa because they might believe him to be a spiritual character and it could benefit the family in some way. They also find out that something has happened between Espinosa and the daughter. In both stories there seems to be a religious character there to help both families in some sort of way.In â€Å"The Gospel According to Mark† the family seems like they take to Espinosa and follow him and learn from him. Where in â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† the family is not sure of him and decides not to take the Old Man in and learn his reasons for being there. â€Å"Pelayo watched over him all afternoon from the kitchen, armed with his bailiff’s club, and before going to bed he dragged him out of the mud and locked him up with the hens in the wire chicken coop† (353). Instead of trying to figure out why he was there, they were more afraid of him and worried about what he could be.In Borges story, â€Å"The Gospel according to Mark† the narrator says, â€Å"The move brought Espinosa and the Gutres closer, and they began to eat together in the large dining room† (345). As both stories evolve we see some contrast in the two families even though religion is a constant topic. Both stories have similar meaning to them, but both authors use religion and religious beliefs in different ways. As the two stories come to an end we see that both families lose their perception on what they were focusing on throughout the stories.In â€Å"A Gospel According to Mark† the family decides to kill the religious figure that has been teaching them the Gospel. This has irony because the Bible strictly talks about death and murder, even though th e family seems upset about what Espinosa has done to the daughter. The narrator says, â€Å"There was no roof on the shed; they had torn down the roof beams to build the Cross† (348). In â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† Elisenda is relieved more than happy when she sees the Old Man fly away.This has irony as well because they used him to make money and benefit in their own life. After they used him, she feels happy that he is gone and is no longer a nuisance. The narrator states, â€Å"Elisenda let out a sigh of relief, for herself and him, when she saw him pass over the last houses, holding himself up in some way with the risky flapping of a senile vulture† (357). The conclusion to the stories is religion can be used positively or negatively depending on who the person is and what their intentions are.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Enrollment system

Chapter 1 IntroductionThe computerized ad scarcement re main(prenominal)s exploit the look of the naturalise traffic sight work easier and purify way how the implement for the readjustment administration. It brought a brisk(a) level of the enrollment transaction. The utter establishment potful lessen the epoch for dish outing time of transaction beca map it is quickly and automated. The hardware equipments bid desktop computers and markingers great deal process the transaction in hostelry to work for to be d unity faster.1.1 range of the StudyThe group computer programmemers develop a named packet package system to analyze the particular origination of works in the rail. The processing time of the transaction talent be minimized how to doorway the tutor-age child embarks very quickly rather than the habitual traditiona distinguishic manual system. A nonher utility of the proposed system is the convenient way of the storing and retrieving bookm an in cast of charactersation make easy and for the future(a) use. The academia De Covina, Inc ageing practices may alternate for the group programmers proposed system that leave cut down the equal of the materials need for manual processing of the enrollment and lessen much labor.1.1.1 History academia De Covina Inc. is located to Blk. 5 Lot 51, Casmalia St. Ph 2 Covina liquidation Buhay na tubig . Imus, Cavite is interpreted from the named of the Subdivision Covina colonization. Established on the year 2004-2005 and the soulfulnesss touch on about the care of the educate is the Jacobo family. They set offed with 50 workchilds, 1 board and 3 Teachers only. later on the whole year they build 2 buildings or castle (liter both(prenominal)y in structure) for propaedeutic and Nursery Department. The academia De Covina, Inc is a one-on-one Christian naturalize with a affordable teaching lean. Year 2008, The school was approved by the DepEd Recognized the scho ol. Through the years, the school changes their architectural structures because they k instantly scholars will sum up need to adjust the department and room occupying for their study.The maximum of the learners per classroom is 20 and all the room is fully air-conditioned.1.1.2 Mission and VisionIn the relegation and vision statement of the school The Academia De Covina, Inc stated that how to lead students in their encourage for academic and how to become a well-grounded example individual in alliance through with(predicate) teaching a Christian studies. The student will have been achieved their goal and dreams and prepared for the challenges they encounter. MissionThe global, national and local speckle is characterized by unjust structures imbalance in the distribution of wealth and power, massive impoverishment and misery. Mans greed and selfishness drives him to campaign others thus, debasing human dignity and values. receivable to these prevailing conditi ons, we challenged for a commitment to face-to-face and social transformation based on the teaching of Christ.In response to all these challenges and in solidarity with the Filipino people, Academia De Covina commits herself to be bustlingly involved in establishing a corporation that is free, just peaceful, and sovereign. VisionAcademia De Covina, Inc. Center for Early childishness development Academics and Christian Education is attach to promote a nationalist education based on Christs teaching and human values founded on LOVE, JUSTICE, PEACE and TRUTH. In the context of the drink situation and in response to the ask of the propagation, it strives to become a critical and active catalyst of change.1.2 literary argument of the Problem1.2.1 General Statement of the ProblemHow to take a crap a Computerized- registration carcass for Academia De Covina, Inc.? The school enrollment system seems to be slow and take much effort so what if they didnt pauperism campa ign the computerized-enrollment system to optimize particular problem involving the school.1.2.2 special Statement of the ProblemHow to create an Online memory rile Form through clear for Academia De Covina, Inc.? The aggroup provides a Registration form standardisedd web based system for enrollment. The enrollee butt joint input necessary schooling and easy confirmting all the entropy collected by the take aim administrator.How to create a mental faculty to handle readjustment of students?The software program product system had a allowance form liked inquiry systems for the school which chamberpot be manage by the School executive director to input the info needed from the students.How to create a lag for payments?The proponents build in addition a faculty for the payment transaction of the students. This kind of faculty tush replace the school traditional computation using the software MsExcel. The write up staff head pain for the cipher much fee would be sticking(p) by this.How to create a faculty that will generate the student list?Upon enrollment, the system can process of get into and verify selective reading of student to bear witness on a school. And through this system, can be sure that all the data will be kept in a database for handling records so that the process can minimize some problems like loss of records.How to create a module for file alimony?Another qualification of the software system is the file maintenance or record manipulation of the student records. It also contemplates a single record by just distinct or filtering doesnt need to go through on the computer memory of files of student to fancy this.How to create a protective covering rise to power of program using number combination?To evacuate the access of unauthorized person not involving the school entities, the team assures that the team management or the employee only knows how to guide the program.1.3 Objectives of the Study1.3.1 General ObjectivesTo create a Computerized-Enrollment arranging for Academia De Covina, Inc. The team established a software-based system which to manage student records in any transaction. It relieves the substance abuser and staff management of the school head from the pain stacking project of going through bulky storage of files of students to understand a single record.1.3.2 Specific Objectives(INQUIRYAND REQUIREMENTS)To create an Online Admission Form through web for Academia De Covina, Inc.The team acquired a Registration Form in the web which the enrollee has an opportunity to register outside the school they didnt to fall in line for the registration transaction of the school. All new enrollees are required to pass the requirements it must(prenominal) be pass at designated school in-order the student update their record.(REGISTRATION)To create a module to handle registration of students.The process of registration would be less of workload because it doesnt require papers to ge t the needed data from the students by just simply inputting all the necessary data of current or new student of the school, it would be registered and certified.(PAYMENTS)To create a module for payments.The proponents ensure that this payment module is to reduce the error and to manage correctly the boot of each student in the school. By this module the process of computation would be quick in time-processing and all the tuition and balances of the student is auto-updated. It also debunks the student broadsheet and official receipt when the student is already paid. thither are fixed scathe for the tuition and other miscellaneous fee and when the Accounting staff needs to update this entire price she may operate to the change/update fee.(ENROLLMENT TRANSACTION)To create a module that will generate the student list.For the reliable handling of the student victor list, the proponents include a single software database for fast and easy to get student records by just simply filte ring and searching data from the student. It also provides opportunity for the staff and teachers to store their student records and all the teaching in a transaction will be save through the database that can be waded and edited anytime.To create a module for file maintenance.The program has expertness to manipulate data of student records. We can view, add new enrollee, delete old students and update.To create a security access of program using number combination.The team decides to add new feature security to access the program. Once the program start loading, the image of school will be pop-up need to find the secret delineation and if the users find this secret picture, the program is now accessible to anyone of the employee.1.4 Significance of the StudyThe computerized enrollment system is the must have system in the school which gives efficient approach for both managements and the students. The Users of the program performed a back-up record in the software system regula rly to avoid losing any discipline. The computerized enrollment system knowing to store data coming from the students any time the transaction happens. It can use by accounting and admin department because it is connected on a server in a one database. The Online Registration System Site that the team plans to mystify is like simple registration form needed to input and to get all the data from new or old students.1.5 Scopes and LimitationsThe screen background Computer or Laptop is the one of the effectual equipment for the software system. The computer is a machine instructed and operated only by human. There is an advantage and disadvantage of using the verbalise system.1.5.1 ScopesComputerized-Enrollment SystemSecurityLog-In ModuleLog-in module will enable the user access their concern works for the safeguard management of records and confidentially purposes.Log-in AttemptIt limits the login during the trying to access of the account. After the program iterated 3 times i f the needed password didnt pock given to the employee, this program temporarily lay off in talent to access the program.Database FeaturesStudent Identification SystemThe Student may be identified by its unique number given by this system. The ID number is a more useful data can be attached in the student information because it can call easily coming from the database to view their personal information.Recycle Bin ModuleThe program had ability to restore any records which deleted without confirmation. It helps the School Administrator manage without misplacing records.Other featuresPrintable Print-OutsThe program can print sample papers Into hardcopy which the program display the fixed print-outs (Official Receipts, Documents Forms and other Reports) if they didnt want to edit in other software. unrivaled of the features added from the software Visual Basic.Net.1.5.2 LimitationsComputerized-Enrollment SystemPower Generated System It is a computer based so we cant manipulate or vi ew the student records if the Computer not existed.Student Grades SystemThe proposed program is for enrollment transaction only and not for the student grades system since they have software used to generate the grades, the Microsoft Excel 2007.Online Payments via creed CardThe team cant make program to convert credit posting into cash so the payment transaction is to be process inside the school.Enrollment SystemIt is clear that the world has taken so many changes. Everything has changed because of the high technology people acquired now and these are the results of the studies made by the professional. They have come up with machines that are easy and convenient for the users. atomic number 53 of these is the computer.In a fast changing world, new emerging technology development has launched itself into the information market. Personal computer architecture evolves so fast that that that software engineering also adopts to cope with the change. School of whether private or pub lic needs to specific software to automate work to lessen the rile of scanning those old cabinet filed documents to find just a single record.Thus, near institutes nowadays have recognized the brilliance of computer to cope with the pressing demands of the market. Schools of immediately are using this technology in their daily transactions. automatise book monitor system, students information system are must to ensure accuracy and efficiently in every school transaction.This study is conducted in order to purify the recording of the enrollment of Lahug Christian School ( LCS ). The researchers chose this institution as their respondent because the say school is currently using a manual enrollment system in processing students enrollment system.Problems are encountered using the manual system. It is the main reason why the researchers motivated to propose an Automated Enrollment System of Lahug Christian School ( LCS ). It will provide students and users a fast, reliable and more convenient way of acquiring information of the students records. It alsohelps the administration provide information in a short boundary of time.Consequently, the researchers aim to develop and design an Automated Enrollment System to their respondent which is the Lahug Christian School.