Monday, May 25, 2020
Finding Water on Mars
Ever since we began the exploration of Mars with spacecraft (back in the 1960s), scientists have been on the lookout for evidence of water on the Red Planet. Each mission gathers more evidence for the existence of water in the past and present, and each time definitive proof is found, scientists share that information with the public. Now, with the popularity of Mars missions on the rise and the amazing story of survival that moviegoers have seen in The Martian, with Matt Damon, the search for water on Mars takes on additional meaning.à On Earth, definitive proof of water is easy to find ââ¬â in as rain and snow, in lakes, ponds, rivers, and the oceans. Since we havent visited Mars in person yet, scientists work with observations made by orbiting spacecraft and lander/rovers on the surface. Future explorers WILL be able to find that water and study it and use it, so its important to know NOW about how much there is and where it exists on the Red Planet.à Streaks on Mars Over the past few years, scientists noticed curious-looking dark streaks that appear on the surface on steep slopes. They seem to come and go with the change of seasons, as temperatures change. They darken and appear to flow down the slopes during periods when the temperatures are warmer, and then fade out as things cool down. These streaks appear in several locations on Mars and have been called recurring slope linae (or RSLs for short). Scientists strongly suspect theyre related to liquid water that deposits hydrated salts (salts that have been in contact with water) on those slopes.à Salts Point the Way Observers took a look at the RSLs using an instrument onboard NASAs Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter called the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM). It looked at sunlight after it had been reflected from the surface, and analyzed it to figure out what chemical elements and minerals were there. The observations showed the chemical signature of hydrated salts in several locations, but only when the dark features were wider than usual. à A second look at the same places, but when the swaths were not very wide didnt turn up any hydrated salt. What this means is that if theres water there, its wetting the salt and causing it to show up in the observations.What are these salts? Observers determined that they are hydrated minerals called perchlorates, which are known to exist on Mars. Both the Mars Phoenix Lander and the Curiosity rover have found them in the soil samples theyve studied. The discovery of these perchlorates is the first time these salts have been spotte d from orbit over several years. Their existence is a huge clue in the search for water. Why Worry about Water on Mars?à If it seems that Mars scientists have announced water discoveries before, remember this: the discovery of water on Mars has not been one single discovery. It is the result of many observations over the past 50 years, each one giving more solid evidence that water exists. More studies will pinpoint more water, and eventually give planetary scientists a much better handle on how much water the Red Planet has and its sources underground.à Ultimately, people will travel to Mars, perhaps sometime in the next 20 years. When they do, those first Mars explorers will need all the information they can get about conditions on the Red Planet. Water, of course, is important. Its essential to life, and it can be used as a raw ingredient for many things (including fuel). Mars explorers and inhabitants will need to rely on the resources around them, just as explorers on Earth had to do as they explored our planet.à Just as important, however, is to understand Mars in its own right. Its similar to Earth in many ways, and formed in roughly the same region of the solar system some 4.6 billion years ago. Even if we never send people to the Red Planet, knowing its history and composition help fill in our knowledge of the solar systems many worlds. In particular, knowing its water history helps fill in the gaps of our understanding about what this planet may have been in the past: warm, wet, and much more habitable for life than it is now.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Qué es salida voluntaria y, ÿes mejor que deportación
La salida voluntaria es un acuerdo entre el gobierno a travà ©s de un representante y un migrante por el que à ©ste tiene que abandonar Estados Unidos dentro de un plazo fijado y pagando à ©l o ella con los gastos, pero sin que exista una orden de deportacià ³n. Para que exista salida voluntaria tiene que haber ese acuerdo, generalmente solicitado por el migrante. Y tambià ©n tiene que haberse iniciado un procedimiento que pueda llevar a su deportacià ³n. No confundir con la situacià ³n en la que un migrante decide por su cuenta salir del paà s. Esto à ºltimo no es una salida voluntaria. En este artà culo se explica quà © es la salida voluntaria, conocida en inglà ©s como voluntary departure. Con estos los conocimientos bà ¡sicos podrà ¡ decidir, junto con su abogado, si lo tiene, si à ©sta es una buena estrategia porque tiene sus ventajas, aunque tambià ©n sus inconvenientes. Tambià ©n se explican cuà ¡les son puntos fundamentales como cuà ¡ndo se puede pedir, quà © migrantes no pueden y cuà ¡les son las consecuencias, tanto las positivas como las negativas. Y sà ³lo despuà ©s tomar una decisià ³n informada. à ¿Cuà ¡ndo solicitar la salida voluntaria y cuà ¡les son los requisitos? Se puede pedir en cuatro momentos distintos, con requisitos y consecuencias diferentes, por lo que es importante entender las ventajas e à inconvenientes de solicitarla en un momento u otro. 1- Antes de que tenga lugar la primeraà vista en un procedimiento de deportacià ³n Cuando un inmigrante es arrestado por un oficial de inmigracià ³n puede llegar a la conclusià ³n de que los mejor para à ©l o ella es solicitar una salida voluntaria, porque despuà ©s de analizar todos los posibles caminos para evitar una deportacià ³n se llega a la conclusià ³n de que no es posible. En estos casos puede solicitar la salida voluntaria al gobierno, en concreto, al Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Es indiferente si el inmigrante se encuentra detenido en una prisià ³n migratoria o si despuà ©s del arresto lo han dejado en libertad, bajo palabra o con fianza (bond). Si el DHS acepta la solicitud, entonces el inmigrante tiene 120 dà as para salir de los Estados Unidos. Tener en cuenta que el gobierno puede intentar asegurar que se cumple con esa obligacià ³n de salir con diversas medidas. Por ejemplo: solicitando el pago de una fianza, manteniendo al inmigrante en prisià ³n o de otras formas. 2- Al inicio de un procedimiento de deportacià ³n Si un inmigrante recibe una cita para presentarse ante un juez de Inmigracià ³n para un juicio de deportacià ³n puede solicitar la salida voluntaria antes de vista preliminar o ese mismo dà aà que se conoce comoà master calendar hearing. En este caso la peticià ³n se le hace al juez. Ademà ¡s: el inmigrante no puede pedir en ese momento ninguna otra forma de alivio de la deportacià ³ndebe renunciar a apelar cualquier asunto relacionado con este temay debe reconocer que cumple los requisitos para ser deportado. El juez decide si concede la solicitud de salida voluntaria despuà ©s de estudiar el expediente del inmigrante, como su historial en este paà s, sus lazos familiares y, principalmente, si tiene o no un rà ©cord criminal. 3- Durante el procedimiento de deportacià ³n Estos casos no son frecuentes y funcionan de la siguiente manera: En el juicio por deportacià ³n una de las partes va a ser un abogado del DHS que representa los intereses del gobierno para argumentar que el inmigrante cumple los requisitos para ser deportado. Se le puede solicitar a ese abogado que no se oponga a una peticià ³n de salida voluntaria por parte del migrante. Si el abogado del gobierno està ¡ de acuerdo, entonces presentarà ¡ una mocià ³n para finalizar el proceso de deportacià ³n y serà ¡ el DHS quien concederà ¡ la salida voluntaria.à 4- Al finalizar el proceso de deportacià ³n pero antes de que exista una orden Cuando ya no hay posibilidad de encontrar un alivio para la deportacià ³n es posible solicitar la salida voluntaria. Pero si se espera hasta este à ºltimo momento, los requisitos son mà ¡s estrictos para solicitarla à Asà , es necesario: haber estado presente fà sicamente (vivir continuamente) en los Estados Unidos por al menos un aà ±o antes de la fecha en la que se recibià ³ la carta en la que se anunciaba el inicio del proceso de deportacià ³n (lo que se conoce como NTA o Notice to appear).tener pasaporte vigenteà tener dinero suficiente para pagar una fianza migratoria y poder hacerlo en el plazo de cinco dà ashaber sido una persona de buen carà ¡cter moral en los cinco aà ±os anterioresà no haber recibido previamente el alivio de una salida voluntaria despuà ©s de haber sido considerado como inadmisible para ingresar a los Estados Unidosprobar que se tiene el dinero suficiente para pagar por el boleto del viaje para salir de Estados Unidos. Despuà ©s de hacer la peticià ³n corresponde al juez decidir si la aprueba. Si su respuesta es afirmativa se tendrà ¡ que depositar en un plazo de cinco dà as la fianza que fije la Corte. Ademà ¡s, se notificarà ¡ la fecha exacta antes de la cual se tiene que salir de Estados Unidos. Es claro que cuando mà ¡s se tarde en solicitar la salida voluntaria, mà ¡s requisitos hay que cumplir y mà ¡s difà cil es que se conceda. Quià ©nes bajo ninguna circunstancia pueden solicitar una salida voluntaria No està ¡n autorizados a pedir en ningà ºn caso y en ningà ºn momento una salida voluntaria los migrantes comprendidos en una o mà ¡s de estas categorà as: haber sido condenado por un delito agravadoser considerado terroristaser un peligroà para la seguridad pà ºblica incluyà ©ndose dentro de esta categorà a los miembros de las pandillasser una persona extranjera que ha sido parada en un puesto fronterizo de los Estados Unidos (puerto, paso terrestre o aeropuerto) o recià ©n despuà ©s de cruzar ilegalmente la frontera. Cuà ¡les son los inconveniente de la salida voluntaria Los migrantes que eligen solicitar este alivio de la deportacià ³n deben saber que es su responsabilidad pagar por los viajes de regreso a sus paà ses. Ademà ¡s tener muy presente que si se elige la salida voluntaria se està ¡ renunciando a cualquier otra posibilidad de luchar una deportacià ³n. En la actualidad hay una queja recurrente por parte de migrantes que se quejan de haber sido presionados para firmar una salida voluntaria. Es fundamental no firmar nada que no se entienda o con lo que no se està © de acuerdo, porque una vez firmada la salida ya no hay vuelta atrà ¡s. Asimismo puede haber consecuencias muy graves si no se cumple el acuerdo y el migrante permanece en Estados Unidos. Cuà ¡les son las ventajas de la salida voluntaria El principal beneficio es que no queda rà ©cord de deportacià ³n en el historial migratorio ni se tiene que cumplir el castigo porque, simplemente, no hay deportacià ³n. Esto quiere decir que una vez que se està ¡ fuera de Estados Unidos se puede pedir una visa de no inmigrante o una de inmigrante. Pero hay que tener muy claro que otra cosa muy distinta es que el consulado o la Embajada la apruebe. Para ello hay que cumplir todos los requisitos de la visa que se solicita. Si no se cumplen, serà ¡ negada. Ademà ¡sà hay que tener en cuenta que pueden activarse otros castigos como el castigo de los10 aà ±os por estar ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos. Por el contrario los que han estado ilegalmente en Estados Unidos mà ¡s de 180 dà as pero menos de 365 no se verà an afectados por el castigo de los 3 aà ±os, si dejan el paà s mediante una salida voluntaria. Este punto, que afecta a un nà ºmero pequeà ±o de migrantes, es muy interesante. De hecho, ha llevado a algunos de ellos a provocar que se iniciase en su contra un proceso de deportacià ³n, para pararlo mediante una salida voluntaria y luego regresar sin penalidad. El problema es que no todas las oficinas del ICE admiten que un migrante se presente voluntariamente para este fin. En este punto, asesorarse con un abogado competente y experto en estos asuntos. Por à ºltimoà tener en cuenta que no salir de Estados Unidos cuando se ha obtenido el beneficio de la salida voluntaria tiene consecuencias muy serias, tanto migratorias, incluso, econà ³micas. El mejor consejo a seguir En asuntos de arrestos, finanzas,detenciones, deportaciones, salidas voluntarias, etc, es muy conveniente contar con un abogado competente, serio y honesto.à Y tener mucho cuidado con cosas como irse sin avisar cuando ya se ha iniciado el proceso de deportacià ³n sin llegar a un acuerdo de salida voluntaria porque lo que va a haber, muy posiblemente, es una orden de deportacià ³n dictada en ausencia. Este artà culo es informativo. No es asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Progressivism Movement - 1941 Words
Progressivism implies a philosophy that welcomes innovations and reforms in the political, economic, and social order. The Progressive movement, 1901 to 1917, was ultimately the triumph of conservatism rather than a victory for liberalism. In a general sense, the conservative goals of this period justified the Liberal reforms enacted by Progressive leaders. Deviating from the traditional definition of conservatism (a resistance to change and a disposition of hostility to innovations in the political, social, and economic order), the Conservatist triumph was in the sense that there was an effort to maintain basic social and economic relations vital to a capitalist society. The Progressive leaders essentially wanted to perpetuate Liberalâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦However, in perusing anti-monopoly law enforcement, Taft and his Attorney General George Wichersham brought44 indictments in anti-trust suites. Taft was successful in healing the Republican split between conservatives and progressives over such issues as tariff reform, conservation, and the almost dictatorial pwer held by Republican Speaker of the House, Joseph Cannon. Tafts inability to bring both wings of the party together led to the hardened division which would bring about a Democratic victory in the 1912 elections. In 1910, Republican progressives joined with Democrats to strip Speaker Cannon of his pwer to appoint the Committee on Rules and serve on it himself. Although critical of Cannon, Taft failed to align himself with the progressives. Also, another event pushing the greater split in the Republican party was the Ballinger-Pinchot Disputes (1909-1910). Progressives backed Gifford Pinchot, chief of the U.S. Forest Service, in his charge that the conservative Secretary of the Interior, Richard Ballinger, was giving away the nations natural resources to private corporate interests. A congressional investigatory committee found that Ballinger had done nothing illegal, but did act in a manner contrary to the governments environmental policies. Taft had supported Ballinger through the controversy, but negative public opinion forced Ballinger to resign in 1911. Tafts political standing with progressive Republicans hurt the election ofShow MoreRelatedThe Reform Movement of Progressivism1084 Words à |à 4 Pages Progressivism is defined as an early 20th century reform movement seeking to return control of the government to the people to restore economic opportunities and to correct injustices in American life. During this time period, certain aspects of American life were in need of drastic change, so progressives led the charge towards reforming American society and politics. 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New comers to the movement strived to adjust to new conditions at one hand while attempting to keep up their particular society and dialect framework with the other making a perplexing circumstance. The Progressives ââ¬Å"offered an impressive array of reform proposalsâ⬠becauseRead MoreEssay on A Progressive Movement1538 Words à |à 7 PagesA Progressive Movement Much of a historianââ¬â¢s job is to read what their colleagues have written on their subject of interest at the moment. Often, they then go on to write their own opinions on the subject, thereby influencing the historians of the future. The famed historian and teacher Richard Hofstadter wrote The Age of Reform in 1955 about the late 19th century and early 20th century movement of Progressivism. In turn, other historians that include Paula Baker, Richard McCormick, andRead MoreProgressivism Historiography Essay2107 Words à |à 9 PagesAwesome Student Mrs. Aars CIS American History 15 March, 2013 My Take on the Progressives The common thought about progressivism before the 1950s were that it was a movement by the common people to curb the excessive power of powerful people such as urban bosses, corporate moguls, and corrupt officials. However, when George Mowry wrote his Progressivism: Middle Class Disillusionment, he challenged the common idea that the progressives were middle class citizens and instead considered them toRead More History Essay2625 Words à |à 11 Pagescontinued between historians of various perspectives is the study of American Progressivism that was started in 1955 by Richard Hofstadter in his controversial book entitled The Age of Reform. His theory of the Progressive Movement is explored and questioned by Peter Fileneââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"An Obituary for ââ¬ËThe Progressive Movementââ¬â¢,â⬠Richard McCormickââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Discovery that Business Corrupts Politics: A Reappraisal of the Origins of Progressivism,â⬠and Paula Bakerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Domesticatio n of Politics: Women and American
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia free essay sample
The subject of Blood Cancer is very serious to me. Jamie stopped by my momââ¬â¢s house over the weekend after learning that my younger brother had conquered leukemia. She asked me to tell her more about the cancer as far as what it is, what the symptoms are, and what kind of treatments are available. I told her I would explain what I know to her in the simplest way I can. I know first hand that there are three different major types of blood cancer, Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Myeloma. Nobody knows exactly why or how someone can get any of these blood cancers. I have a personal experience with a type of blood cancer called Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia or CML. My brother was diagnosed with leukemia at age 15. Throughout his treatment; he acquired meningitis, pneumonia, and graft-versus-host disease. ââ¬Å"Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD or graft) is a common side effect of a bone marrow transplant (also called a BMT)â⬠. We will write a custom essay sample on Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (National Marrow Donor Program, 2008) I will not go into much detail about GVHD because I still really do not understand it. My brother developed vitiligo, a common skin disorder because of the graft. Vitiligo is a relatively common skin disorder, in which white spots or patches appear on the skin. These spots are caused by destruction or weakening of the pigment cells in those areas, resulting in the pigment being destroyed or no longer produced. â⬠(Vitiligo Support International, 2008) During this whole ordeal, his doctors noted at least four different times where my brother was ââ¬Å"not going to make it. â⬠I chose to research this topic because I wanted to gain further understanding of the cancer besides the first hand knowledge I received while dealing with my brotherââ¬â¢s situation. I also want to learn how it affects the body and what procedures and treatments are available to treat and possibly eliminate it. Jamie, remember all the fun you had when you were fifteen? Age fifteen, a time when teenagers are just beginning to be a teenager. They want to stay out later, hang out at the mall every weekend, and attend sleepovers. A personââ¬â¢s teenage years, some would think are supposed to be one of the many fun times of their lives. Going to school and living free, without having a care for the world. Some of us were rebellious, while others were quiet and studious. While most teenagers were living their lives, my brother at this age, was in the hospital for a very serious condition. He was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML), which is cancer of the white blood cells, when he was 15. He was already in an advanced stage when we found out about it. He was walking his then-girlfriend home, and as he began to leave, 12 people, all men, jumped on him and beat him up really badly, simply because he was in the wrong neighborhood. About three days later, we noticed his stomach and side were swollen and protruding more than usual due to an enlarged spleen, but we thought it was from the fight. A week later, the swelling on his face did not recede, so our mom decided to make an appointment for him to see his doctor, Dr. Collins. Dr. Collins examined my brother and noticed his side was hard and swollen and told our mom there may be something wrong with his spleen. He thought my brother might have cancer so he ordered full blood work to have done. The results came back and my brotherââ¬â¢s white blood cell count (wbc) was over 500,000. The average white blood cell count is 4,500-10,000 white blood cells/mcL (cells per microliter)â⬠(Kosmix Right Health, 2008). The paramedics rushed him by helicopter, to Childrenââ¬â¢s Hospital of Philadelphia where he was officially diagnosed with CML. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia is a type of cancer that attacks the blood by multiplying abnormal blood cells throughout the bone marrow over time. It affects the way your body makes blood and provides immunity from other diseases. Having abnormal cells has two effects on the body. First, the white blood cells may not mature fully and properly as they develop. They may lack the ability to kill foreign bodies in the bloodstream. This defect seriously damages the immune system and the body loses its ability to fight off infections (Aetna IntelliHealth, 2006). When a person has leukemia, their body produces too many white blood cells. These cells are detrimental in helping the immune system fight off all kinds of viruses, diseases, and infections that may enter the body. Jamie I remember you asked me earlier today about the symptoms of CML. Well, there are several different symptoms that someone can experience but, because CML signs and symptoms tend to develop slowly, a person may not know they have it yet. People may tend to feel tired, have shortness of breath (even while doing everyday activities), pale looking skin, an enlarged spleen, night sweats, and weight loss. (de Villers, 2008) These are the symptoms my brother had, and they are the most common symptoms associated with CML. My brother had each of these symptoms for a while but they were not noticeable to us until after he was involved in that fight. Once a person has a positive diagnosis, usually through thorough blood testing, he/she is then informed about the many different treatment options available for removing leukemia. Depending on the stage and the condition of the patientââ¬â¢s body, these treatments may or may not be successful. Three of the most common types of treatment options available are chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplant. Chemotherapy, which is the use of drugs or chemicals; often is used in combinations to kill or damage cancer cells in the body. Radiation therapy or radiotherapy, works by damaging the genetic material (DNA) within cells, preventing the cells from growing and reproducing. ââ¬Å"A bone marrow transplant is a procedure that transplants healthy bone marrow into a patient whose bone marrow is not working properlyâ⬠(de Villers, 2004). Once these treatments become effective and successfully destroy the leukemia, the healing process begins. I remember my brother being tired all of the time and barely being able to do anything but lie in bed or sleep. With him being young in age, and his immune system not being strong enough to ward off attacks from viruses and bacteria, we had many more trials to experience before he was fully cured. After his bone marrow transplant, my brother developed meningitis pneumonia at the same time with a dangerous fever of 104à °. The doctors thought he would not make it through the night, but he is a trooper and he fought hard and won to make sure he lived to see another day. (K. Johnson, personal knowledge) My brother is the first and only cancer survivor that I know. He is my inspiration. To see him endure all that he went through with battling leukemia, he gave me a new outlook on life. He taught me that, no matter how hard a situation or circumstance may be, if you fight hard against it and remain positive, you will overcome it. He has been in remission since 2003 and has been cured since his 21st birthday in 2005. To my understanding, after a patient sustains successful treatment for cancer, they are considered cured if the cancer does not come back for at least five years. No traces of leukemia have been present in my brotherââ¬â¢s system since early 2002. He has beaten the odds and has gotten back to living a normal life again. He will be 24 next month.
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